Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: Issue with Neighbor what to do ?
Sender: Lawyer
Date: 2017-06-26 15:22:12
He can't do anything about it. It's not like you're playing loud music at 1 AM on weekdays. A kid has to play. If he is threatening to call cops, let him. Cops can't do anything about it. They won't even say a thing, they will only take action if you are playing loud music in the middle of the night.

Secondly it's not your fault. The kid has to play. Probably the building is so weak that even if a kid walk or plays on the floor it causes disturbance. Management is at fault for not taking enough precautions.

I am sure your management didn't mention that kids are not allowed in the building. So you're not at fault. No one can do anything to you, either management or cops or that stupid guy.

So next time that guy threatens you, threaten him back to sue him for threatening you unnecessarily. Be brace!


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