Forum: 0
Subject: Solution for knowing financial Matter as a wife is a good or not
Sender: Confused wife
Date: 2017-08-11 22:05:45
My husband is not ready to share what's happening with finances and no access to his bank statement nor is he ready to open a joint account ( I don't really expect that because I am a non working wife)

All he has to say is I know what to do with MY money. U can earn yours & then look at the statement ( I am hurt cz I told him clearly that I won't be working after marriage) . I never showed my mom how can I show u.???is wat is responded 😱 He jumps on me shouting "Don't you trust me ". ?

Don't I have any rights to even look at his bank statement.
I am not asking him to open a joint acc or share his password ( he lock all his phone , laptop every possible thing ) I don't have access to any...

Since I am a mother of two now ..I am feeling insecure

He makes me feel guilty for no reason. And blames me that I don't trust him.

But I feel that he is not trusting me enuf to share his bank statement or why is he even hiding it from me ?

Can anyone let me know if I am wrong anywhere & how can I correct myself & the situation


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