Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Solution for knowing financial Matter as a wife is a good or not
Sender: E
Date: 2017-08-12 12:06:57
I have seen these traits when people are loosing in the gambling..

On the other hand, I am a male, and I am of the opinion in general, every women should learn to drive when they arrive first time in US. Don't choose easy path of my husband drives so I don't see any need to.. once you get your drivers license, start driving to do some grocery on your own or with your other friends or you drive the car when you two are going together.. that will help you socialize and be more independent and confident.. It's never too late if you don't have license already.. gone are the days when women's used to be with the mindset of taking care of kids and home.. you are more capable than what you think you could do.. just my thought as my wife already do this..


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