Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: Re: What to talk with parents?
Sender: Woman
Date: 2018-01-26 23:15:26
Well!There will always be a gap when to comes to parents no matter how well aware they are..My mom doesnt know how to use the phone that well and recently I ended up showing some frustration as I needed her to pull some info from the phone.
When i looked back at the the whole incident iI was left with nothing but guilt .As someone already mentioned your parents are the only people who love you unconditionally and we are where we are cause of their sacrifices .
Treat them with utmost respect and love as they need us the most in their old age.Your budget must be tight but if they need money you can keep some aside .Its just about priorities and that if u really want to do soemthing for them .
I would say even if you do not have much to talk call them everyday ,it will get them a lot of emotional security
Last but not the least Parents are no less than God!
I have a single parent and trust me its the worst feeling in the world not to have them around
Hope it helps!


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