Forum: 0
Subject: Re: 70k
Sender: thought
Date: 2018-03-15 17:10:34
70k means you will be earning around 5000/month in hand after state tax+federal tax+401 deductions.

If you are a permanent employee then your company will share your health insurance but if you are on contract then it will go from your pocket, I guess. (not sure how much it would be)

Let's consider you are earning 5000/month and a normal middle class lifestyle.

1500 rent in a good/safe area
500 grocery/gas/car insurance
If you have a kid and goes to school then add that amount.
let's add 1000.

You still have around 2000 in hand which is not bad.
Amount subtracts further depending on how much you party, shop or spend on luxurious things.


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