Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: My stock market story
Sender: imaa
Date: 2019-03-13 12:41:57
That's bull shit advice. Money is not everything but it is very important. You cannot just ignore the importance of money in life. The whole world is mad after it. You do need money for certain things. Only person who has lost money can feel the pain. Others can such BS advice. But, yes having money does not equate to happiness, but losing money can equate to sadness.

My advice to op is to suck it up and try to not repeat this mistake again. You listened to some strangers and webt after instant fortune. That seldome happens, instead invest wisely and over a period of time.

Good luck. Maybe it will bounce back over the next few weeks - who knows. If you can - do hold for some more time and don't sell at a loss. Right now the loss is only in books.


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