Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: Is your wife hot ?
Sender: my 3 cents
Date: 2017-11-30 13:30:31
24 ct desi is right. Its been 5 years and had you married a super hot woman, you'd still feel the same. The point is physical beauty loses its shine soon. It remains same, your eyes and brain are looking at the same thing over and over and you get bored. It's the character/personality that keeps you engaged. This is my own experience. I had two girlfriends(ofcourse one after the other), the first one was for 3 years and the second one for around 2 years. Both of them were bomb shells. But with both of them, about an year into relationship, I was starting to feel they were not as pretty as they once were. The first one didn't have any depth in her character, she never had any opinions of her own, she was always trying please everyone so that she enjoys her 'pretty lady' status in the college. My third girlfriend was average in her looks in the beginning, but as we interacted more, I used to feel she is more beautiful than before. She has a great character and more than that, she loves me to the core. Now, she is my wife. My point is love changes everything.


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