Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Tired woman
Sender: curious indian
Date: 2018-01-30 10:34:43
Liked the 2% - 98% theory of 2 cents.

My 1 cent - we are always stressed and want to be over with the phase of life we are in. If we are kids we want to grow, if we are young/students we want to be rich and relax, if we got kids we want them to grow and leave the nest, if we are working we want to retire, if retired we want all those earlier days to come back!

One general solution is to break the routine. Leave your kids to a care taker at least once or twice a week and do activities you enjoy (preferably as a couple) - got to gym, hike, dance, movies, get drunk, go to vegas.

If you try to live by our indian standards (set by previous generations living as housewives in india), it will be difficult and depressing.


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