Forum: 0
Subject: Re: Tired woman
Sender: Hope this will help
Date: 2022-04-19 23:01:37
I understand your situation, and i know you want to spent time with your kids and dont want to leave your job and then household things that i thing only you can manage. I just want to highlight some points.
When woman work at home its normal for everyone but if man will do one thing everybody will start appreciating him, as you and your husband both are working, talk with your husband and divide the household work 50-50.
Kids are small so join them in a day care and then at the end Of the day you can spent sometime with them to know if everything is good.
Office:- i know its very easy to say dont bring your office tensions to home but thats impossible because things will be there in mind but try when you came home everyday after work fix "self-love hours". Thats just your time no husband, no kids no work, in this time do self care go to saloon, do nail care, do feet care whatever you want.
And most important keep your Saturday and Sunday totally free, go out even if you dont want to buy anything still go out, sit in park, go to mall, do lunch and dinner outside so that you will not have any kind of stress that ohh i after going home i have to do this that.
I know job husband kids family everything is important in life but you know what is most important its "YOU" you cant loose yourself for any relation.


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