Forum: 0
Subject: Help needed- Small Car Accident
Sender: Om
Date: 2014-01-06 09:12:31
I am having rental insurance (CDW + Liability) from rental company. Today Morning, some old lady while parallel parking hit my car too. We both had minor scratches on the car, nothing to us. She said that she will not gonna use her insurance as she already has lot of other scratches.

I called up my Insurance company, they said that get the information of the lady's insurance company. so that they claim from her insurance company otherwise it will come to your insurance( which I guess renatl company insurance, I dont have any).

I wanted to ask :

1) Is there any problem if it comes to my insurance.
2) Will that be added to my Driving licence history.
3) As the lady didn't give her Driving licence no. to me, I have her phone no. and car no. only. In these kind of cases should we involve police or not.

Please suggest.


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