Forum: 0
Subject: URGENT need model for corporate photo shoot 1/21/14 Westport
Sender: Admin
Date: 2014-01-15 08:46:18

I am a corporate photographer in Westport who will be photographing six individuals
of different ethnic backgrounds for an annual report.

The photos will be taken next week in Westport, and we are looking specifically for
an attractive male mid to late 40s of Indian extraction.

We will photograph this person on a plain background and the photographs will be
used in an annual report and other applications for an industrial company based in
Brussels. He should be wearing business attire and should expect to spend about an
hour on the shoot.

The person will not be identified, and he will be paid $200, and a model release
will be signed.

If you can help us with this search, I would greatly appreciate it.

I need to have each candidate e mail me a current photo as soon as possible for
client review.

You can see my work at http://www.horowitzphoto.com

For more information, please call me at 203 454 8766.

Thank you,

Ted Horowitz,


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